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  • 三元多元機能性材料研究会のホームページに戻る

  • 大沢 吉直

    〒305 茨城県つくば市東1-1

    物質工学工業技術研究所 無機材料部



    1)Preparation, characterization and intercalation of ternary chalcogenides with

    layered composite crystal structures formed in the Bi-Ta-S and Bi-Ta-Se


    Y. Oosawa, Y. Gotoh, J. Akimoto, M. Sohma, T. Tsunoda, H. Hayakawa and M. Onoda,

    Solid State Ionics, 101-103, 9(1997).

    2)Mutual incommensurability and interlayer interaction in (MX)xTX2-type ternary

    chalcogenides with layered composite crystal structure.

    Y. Gotoh, J. Akimoto, Y. Oosawa, H. Yamawaki, M.Sakashita and K. Aoki,

    Physica B237, 177(1997).

    3)Modulated structure of incommensurate composite crystal, (SnS)1.17NbS2.

    Y. Gotoh, J. Akimoto, Y. Oosawa and M. Onoda.

    Aperiodic '97(Proceedings of the international conference on aperiodi crystals) in the press.

    4) ”複合結晶構造を持つ層状カルコゲナイド”.


      化学と工業、50, 1096(1997).