Sho Shirakata
Associate Professor
Birth Day Feb.16, 1959
Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
3-ban, Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama,Ehime,790-8577,Japan
Hoby page (Amateur Radio)
Research Activity
paper list
Pesearch Completed (1981-1987)
1. Raman Scattering of Chalcopyrite Semiconductors Under High Pressure
2. Epitaxial Growth of InGaAsP by Liquid Phase Epitaxiy
3. Photoluminescence Characterization of Interface Stress in Heterojunction
4. Photoluminescence Characterization of Local Atomic Arrangements Using Transition Metal Impurities
Research in progress
1. Modulation Spectroscopy of Chalcopyrite Compounds
2. Crystal Growth of Chalcopyrite Compounds
3. Epitaxial Growth of Chalcopyrite Compounds
4. Band Calculation of Compound Semiconductor
5. Development of Thin Film Growth Technology